Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland


Mandate, coordination and finance:
Federal Office for the Environment FOEN

Encouragement of project activities, information:
Committee of the Atlas

Carlo Scapozza, FOEN

Andri Bryner, EAWAG
Daniel Farinotti, VAW
Stefan Volken, swisstopo
Christoph Frei, MeteoSwiss
Ulrich Göttelmann, Amt für Umwelt des Kantons Thurgau
Felix Hauser, University of Bern
Lorenz Hurni, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich
Peter Molnar, Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich
Mario Rohrer, Meteodat GmbH
Wolfgang Ruf, FOEN
Bettina Schaefli, University of Bern
Petra Schmocker-Fackel, FOEN
Jan Seibert, Department of Geography, University of Zurich
Rolf Weingartner, University of Bern

Editing of topic-related contents:
Authors of the contributing institutions (cf. links)

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