Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland – Plate 8.5

Groundwater makes up over 80 % of potable water supplies in Switzerland. Responsibility for the observation and monitoring of this important resource is shared between the Confederation, the cantons, third level institutions and private organisations. The objective of these activities is to follow quantitative variations in groundwater resources in the short term and to appreciate long term changes sufficiently early, be they linked to natural or anthropogenic influences.
This plate incorporates more than 900 measuring stations (wells, piezometers and springs) currently operating in Switzerland, as well as another 150 points which have been abandoned.
In digital form:
Plate of the Atlas as pdf (18170kb)
Explanatory text (taken without changes from the Hydrological Atlas)
Table «Kantonale Stationen»
Table «Eidgenössische Stationen»
Table «Private Stationen»
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