Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland – Plate 6.3

The water balance describes the hydrological character of the catchments and provides an overview of available water resources. Its components are areal precipitation (P), areal runoff (R), areal evaporation (E) and change in water storage (δS). Under particular hydrogeological conditions, in particular in karst areas, natural underground inflow and outflow (I) must also be taken into account. A spatially differentiated approach to the water balance makes it possible to carry out a detailed analysis of water resources in Switzerland.
In digital form:
Plate of the Atlas as pdf (6879kb)
Explanatory text (taken without changes from the Hydrological Atlas)
Table «Komponenten der Wasserbilanz der Bilanzierungsgebiete 1961 – 1990»
Table «Mittlerer jährlicher Wasserhaushalt und Abfluss ausgewählter Einzugsgebiete 1961 – 1990»
Table «Mittlerer jährlicher Wasserhaushalt und Abfluss der Kantone 1961 – 1990»
Georeferenziertes Shapefile (.zip) - 616kb
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